Volume 3, Number 1, 2005

No 文章 作者
1 品牌延伸中屬性移轉的不對稱效果 沈永正、黃瑞蘋、蘇婉如
The Asymmetric Impact of Attribute Transfer on Brand Extension Evaluations Yung-Cheng Shen, Rei-Ping Huang, Wanru Su
2 股價報酬的可測性─三狀態馬可夫轉換模型應用 鄭婉秀、林卓民、王威盛
Are Stock Returns Predictable? Three-States Markov Switching Model Approach Wan-Hsiu Cheng, Cho-Min Lin,Wei-Sheng Wang
3 統治機制與關係策略對專屬性資產及關係績效之影響 黃識銘、方世榮
An Impact of Governance Mechanisms And Relationship Strategies on Asset Specificities And Relationship Performance Shyh-Ming Huang, Shyh-Rong Fang
4 企業激勵薪酬設計因子對組織吸引力之影響—以高科技產業新進研發人員為例 劉念琪、葉桂珠、林俊宏
The Impacts of Incentive Design on Organizational Attractiveness: Newly R&D Professionals in High-Tech Industry as An Example Nien-Chi Liu, Kuei-Chu Yeh,Chun-Hung Lin
5 企業國際化程度與最高階管理者薪資間關係之研究 史習安、許竹君、張旨華
The Relationship Between Firm’s Degree of Internationalization And CEO Compensation Hsi-An Shih, Chu-Chun Hsu,Chih-Hua Chang
6 台指現貨、ETFs與台指期貨避險比率與避險績效之研究 倪衍森、張雯琪
A Study of Optimal Hedge Ratio And Hedge Performance for Taiwan Stock Index Futures Yen-Sen Ni, Wen-Chi Cheng