Guidelines for Authors
- All submissions must be formatted from left to right horizontally and be of no more than 20 pages. Submissions must be in the following order: title, author, company or university affiliation, abstract (no more than 500 words), keywords (no more than five words), content, annotations, references and indexes.
- Page size must correspond to A4. Content must be in single-spaced 12-point Times New Roman font; Post scriptum must be in the 10-point font; Each submission must be in two-column format. The margins must be set as follows: Top = 2.5 cm; Bottom = 2.5 cm; Left = Right = 2.5 cm.
- Titles should be in English or Mandarin. A dash should be between the title and subtitle.
Times New Roman Word size16 Bold face Align Center
Times New Roman Word size14 Bold face Align left
1.1Times New Roman Word size12 Bold face Half-For;Start with two spaces.
Figures and Tables
- Tables and Figures must be numbered with Arabic numerals and edited with Open Format.
- Tables numbers and titles must be placed above their associated tables.
- Figures numbers and titles must be placed below their associated images.
- Tables must be aligned to the left and right; Frame line for 1 1/ 2pt and 1pt.
- If necessary, the explanation can be placed under the figures and tables.
All publications cited in the text have to be presented in a list of references and should be listed and numbered alphabetically by the last name of the first author. The author-date system (author, date) is adopted for references cited in the text. References should be prepared in the following form. Note that journal titles are not abbreviated.
Journal article:
Mahoney, T. A., 1989, Multiple Pay Contingencies: Strategic Design of Compensation, Human Resource Management, 28(3): 337-347.
von Neumann, J., Morgenstern, O.,1953, Theory of Games and Economic Behavior (3rd ed.). Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
World Health Organization, 2012, Making Health Services Adolescent Friendly: Developing National Quality Standards for Adolescent Friendly Health Services. Switzerland: World Health Organization.
Barney, J. B., 2002, Gaining and Sustaining Competitive Advantage. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall International.
Chapter in book:
Youjae, Y., 1990, A Critical Review of Consumer Satisfaction. In Zeithaml, V. A., (Ed.), Review of Marketing: 68-123. Chicago, IL: American Marketing Association.
Dissertation and Thesis
Hunt, M. S., 1972, Competition in the Major Home Appliance Industry, 1960-1970. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, Harvard University.
Wang, C. H., Wang, L. P., Hu, Y. C., 2007, Using GC-TOPSIS of Combination Weight for Evaluating the 64-bits Dual Core Notebook. International Conference on Business and Information, Tokyo, Japan.
Budayan, C., Dikmen, I., Birgonul, M. T., 2007, Strategic Group Analysis by Using Self Organizing Maps. Procs 23rd Annual ARCOM Conference: 223-232. Belfast, UK: Association of Researchers in Construction Management.
Working Paper; Manuscript
Lee, J. L., Liu, V. W., Lin, T. Y., 1997, Mitigating Budgetary Slack and Enhancing Competitiveness. Working Paper.
Web Article
Rana, P., 2004, Second Arrest Made in Delhi Rape Case.
SB10001424127887324874204578437961090776492.html?mod=WSJAsia_hpp_LEFTTopStories. Accessed November 5, 2004.
Anthony, R., 1965, Planning and Control Systems: A Framework for Analysis, Division of Research, Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University, Boston.
Corwley, M., 2012, The Paul Ryan Effect, TIME, 180(17): 22-27.
Yeh, J., 2013, Certain Envoys Susceptible to Terrorism: MJIB, The China Post, April 23.
Chung Yuan Christian University
ADD:200 Chung Pei Road, Chung Li District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan 320314, R.O.C.